Visa and credit cards have become so popular for use with betting sites that they are widely accepted by the biggest and best betting sites. When a new site is created, Visa is usually one of the first options they offer as it is so popular.
While there are some restrictions applied to credit cards depending on the country you reside in, usually, you will be able to use them freely.
Creating your account is the only thing standing between you making a bet as using Visa to deposit funds is so quick and easy. You simply need to head to the banking section, click deposit, choose the Visa icon, enter your details and the amount you want to deposit and you are done.
Transactions using Visa are completed incredibly quickly, meaning you will not have to wait long between depositing your money and making you bet.
Along with the speed of deposit, moving your funds is exceptionally safe with all transactions made securely.
The only real disadvantage of using a Visa to bet is that the withdrawal times can be a little slow. Whereas deposits are made instantly, withdrawals can sometimes take between 24-72 hours to process, meaning you will sometimes have to wait a few days for your withdrawn funds to hit your account.